Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

December 19, 2013
By SophiaMK BRONZE, Baldwinsville, New York
SophiaMK BRONZE, Baldwinsville, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Divergent is a thrilling, exciting adventure. Where one choice can change your life forever! Everyone, everywhere from each faction has to take a test. Little did Beatrice know that she couldn’t fit in and if she picks the wrong faction she could be killed for what she was. Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Dauntless, and Erudite are the five factions that you have to choice between when you turn sixteen after you take your test. Beatrice can survive even though she picked the wrong faction but she needs some help from her friends. Christina, Al, Will, and…. Four.

Beatrice Priror with a special mind finds her life threatened when a faction leader threatens to exterminate their kind. Divergent. The threaten that the faction leader gives isn’t really threaten though.

During all that’s going on she must stay alive. Also, she must contain her relationship with Four. The one with only four fears. To be Divergent means to never be controlled.

Its very easy connect with the characters because the author Veronica Roth writes so beautifully. The book Divergent will get you jumping for action. Its one adventure after the other. Also, when your read Divergent its like its painting a picture in your mind.

If you like reading the book before the movie then good because Divergent comes out on March 21, 2014. After I read Divergent I couldn’t stop. Veronica Roth (the author) also wrote a sequel. Insurgent, then Allegiant which are also good.

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