Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

December 6, 2013
By JMunk BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
JMunk BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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Ender’s Game has revealed itself wildly throughout the nation. The first edition of the book by Orson Scott Card came out in 1985, and today in the year of 2013, they have a movie of it. There are many differences between the book and the movie. Ender’s Game is a military science fiction that progressed from a short story into a full novel.
The main character of the story is Andrew “Ender” Wiggin. The other main characters of the story are Valentine, Peter, Colonel Graff, Major Anderson, Mazer Rackham, Petra, and Dap. Valentine is Ender’s sister who is very sad that Ender needs to go to battle school in space. Peter is Ender’s brother who always teases him and is a bully to Ender. For example Ender and Peter played Buggers vs. Astronauts. Peter was the astronaut and Ender was the bugger who wore a mask that he could hardly see through. Peter almost choked Ender to near death. Valentine tried to stop them but she got locked out of the room. Colonel Graff, Major Anderson, and Mazer Rackham are the International Fleet Personnel. Dap is the teacher and coach for the kids on deck of the battle school in space. Petra is a girl who Ender meets and becomes teammates with him.
In battle school they are split into teams and are placed in a battle room. The battle room in the movie is shaped like a sphere and has many obstacles that allow the team cover and protection from enemy fire. The objective of the game is to pass through the enemy team’s force and in through the enemy gate.
As I said before there were many differences from book to the movie. For example in the book it showed Ender as a young boy probably younger than 10 years old. Well in the movie Ender looks like 13 or 14 years old. Not the most realistic but I can understand why the director chose that age group instead of an 8 or 9-year-old boy. The director probably did this because it might be kind of hard to work with a child that is 8 to 9 years old. It would be hard especially if he’s the main character.
Another part of the movie that stood out to me was when Ender realized what the game that he used to play at night was trying to tell him. When he was moved to his own quarters, he had a window, and when he looked out the window and realized that the place that he was looking was like the place in his dream. He went there and he met with the one of the queens. She didn’t kill him or anything. But what stood out to me was that they didn’t have that part in the book. The director probably put this scene in to put suspense as to what the queen would do.
Another part in the book was when Bonzo died. Well in the movie they didn’t say if Bonzo died. All they said was that he was being fixed. The director probably did this because maybe they thought people wouldn’t really care about Bonzo because of the events that were to come in the future.
I highly recommend this book. Although the movie had a few flaws, the story was great. There weren’t lots and lots of differences between the book and the movie, which was good. I would rate this whole piece an 8 out of 10. The directors and producers of the movie did a good job. This is why Ender’s Game is worth your money.

The author's comments:
I loved this book from the first time I read it, and to see that it was a movie, I was so excited. I liked how they did things differently and to see the different similarities between to movie and the book.

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