Hatchet by Gary Paulsen | Teen Ink

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

December 2, 2013
By Anonymous

Recently, I read the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. It is an amazing story about a 13-year-old boy, Brian Robeson, who has divorced parents. He stays with his mom during the school year and his father during the summer. Because of his father living in Canada, Brian has to take a plane, a Cessna 406 bush plane to be exact, over the lakes and forests to get to the oil fields where Brian's father lives. While flying, the pilot suffers a quick and fatal heart attack that sends the plane downward into the nearby lake. Even with the attempt by Brian to take control of the now useless plane, the Cessna plunges into the freezing lake which nearly knocks Brian unconscious. Brian soon frees himself from the submerged plane and finds himself on beach surrounded by trees, trees, and more trees with nothing but his hatchet his mother gave him before he left and his wits to survive in the ruthless forest. throughout the whole summer, Brian does what it takes to survive by doing things like hunting fish, birds, and other wildlife while also coping with the seemingly endless loneliness which has turned him into a fine woodsman. when a deadly tornado hits the area that Brian is currently in, it begins to drag the tail of the plane toward the shore of the lake which has been sticking out of the water. Brian makes a raft from a few broken off tree tops to get to the plane. When Brian is cutting his way into the tail of the plane, he drops his hatchet in the lake and dives in to the lake to get it. Once inside the almost fully submerged plane, Brian finds a survival pack that includes food and an emergency transmitter, and a .22 rifle. while Brian gets back on shore, he attempts to activate the transmitter that he got from the plane with no success (or so it seems). without knowing it, Brian actually sent out a transmitter signal and a nearby fur trader flying by picked it up resulting in the rescue of Brian.

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