Enders Game Review by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Enders Game Review by Orson Scott Card

November 26, 2013
By Hi_aloha BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Hi_aloha BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although there were a lot of differences the book and movie were really close. The movie and book Enders game was very exciting and adventurous. The movie was full of events that happened in the book like some of the very interesting battles witch was very descriptive but I felt that some of the descriptions were left out in the movie.
Enders game movie started out with Ender at school. He was beating this kid named Stilton at a game and Stilton grew angry when he eventually lost to Ender. This event led to a fight that Ender brutally won. He made sure that when he beat Stilton up that it would stop all fights concerning him in the future. This leads to the events of Ender becoming a soldier, training to protect earth from an invasion that might occur at any time, Ender is seven at this time. Colonel Graff and Major Anderson recruited him to battle school. They have been watching him for a long time through his monitor and eventually chose him. Every child has a monitor at one point of its life, the monitor is a device in the back of your neck that allows you to see and hear what the person with the monitor is doing. Ender was later promoted by his actions in battle school to commander Ender; he was previously a regular soldier. He was promoted by his advanced strategy and ability to act under pressure.
Ender is growing up in strictly controlled areas and is growing up without his family. Ender has gone years without even talking to his family, he left them after the incident at school when a Colonel Graff saw ender fighting and knew that he would be a good Leader. At Battle school Ender has to work to fit in with other people also enrolled in the school. He is different already thanks to Colonel Graff, who pointed out ender to being the best soldier there on the rocket ride up. The other kids immediately didn’t like him and chose to ignore Ender. He got traded a couple of times to different squads and with one squad came Bonzo. Bonzo was a short leader of the group ender was just traded to, the salamander squad. In the Salamander squad Ender met Petra. Petra was friend through Battle school; She was a big help with target practice and a big help with Bonzo, who didn’t like Ender. In both stories book and movie ender had gotten into another fight, and it was with Bonzo. Bonzo met ender while he was taking a shower and ender brutally won again with his strategy again. Ender later found out that he killed him and wanted to quit the school so he wouldn’t hurt anyone. Colonel Graff took him to his family when his sister Valentine convinced Ender to go back. Ender was later promoted to commander after the new colleagues started to grow on to him. He was put charge in the Dragon squad, which doesn’t win a lot. Ender helped that squad to win with all of his new recruits. Most of them were rookies but they were willing to learn from Ender. The days went by and battle after battle went by and his team members were all doing good but now instead of fighting the battle themselves they told people what to do now. The day for the final battle came there graduation day. They were all so ready for it and they all were under Enders control. The battle came and they were loosing but Ender Persevered through the battle. He soon later won with the help of his strategy and team. Ender later found out that the battles were all real things actually happening. All of the simulations that they were doing were actually real and when they won the last battle Ender had blown up the Buggers planet ending all life on that planet.
All of this events happened in the book and the movie, but I like the book more because it let me think about the things that were happening in my own perspective and I could see things my way.

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