Enders Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Enders Game by Orson Scott Card

November 26, 2013
By Aukelenui Mortensen BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
Aukelenui Mortensen BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Enders Game Book Review

Enders Game is a movie about a planet that was under attack by an alien invasion and a boy named Ender Wiggin just gets his monitor taken out and is able to go home, until the teachers call him to go battle school to train and test him because he was so smart. So he goes to space to train. In battle school he gets put in different battle groups. Everyday they are training and studying. He trains with his teacher Graff. Then he meats this man named Mazer Rackham. He was the one who stopped the invasion years ago when the enemy came. Mazer trains ender simulators and trains with other groups. In this one group, there was the leader named Bonzo their group never did lose one battle. But when Ender becomes the leader of his own group witch was the one group who wasn’t the best at anything. But after ender trains them everything he knows they get better and beats Bonzos team. Because of that when Ender is taking a shower Bonzo comes in and wants to fight Bonzo because of what happened but it turns out that Ender beats Bonzo so hard that Bonzo dies. Then Ender’s teachers come to tell him and his friends that he has a final simulator battle, But after he realizes that it wasn’t a simulator it was the actual battle against the aliens. He realizes that the aliens wasn’t really attacking them but they were the one that was
Our eighth watched and read the book “Enders Game”, by Orson Scott. I thought that the book was better but I also liked the movie because it was basically the same thing but some parts were left out. I thought that the movie and book was good. The movie was very long, it was about two hours. But it seemed so fast, because all the parts came fast in the movie. In the book it had a part that said that ender got into a fight with a boy named Stilson, and he beat him up and broke his arm. But in the movie ender didn’t break his arm. In the book he said that he beats people up who is mean to him and he makes sure that they cant try to hut him again. In the book it said that ender was about six years old, when he was still in school, but in the movie he was about 13 years old. There was this other part where while Ender is in space in battle school. All the main parts in the movie came up so fast. In the book Enders army had way more battles. But overall the movie was good.
I thought that Enders game was a good movie and great book. I enjoyed watching and especially watching the movie. Everyone says that the book was better that the movie and I agree with them that the book was actually better that the movie. In the book it said that ender was about six years old, when he was still in school, but in the movie he was about 13 years old. Everything that I thought that was goanna happen in the movie kind of happened in book.

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