Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

November 25, 2013
By Isaiah Nakoa-Oness BRONZE, KEAʻAU, Hawaii
Isaiah Nakoa-Oness BRONZE, KEAʻAU, Hawaii
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Ender’s Game Movie
vs. Book Review

Ender’s Game is about a boy name Ender who is trained to defend and defeat the so-called “buggers” that attacked earth and nearly whipped out the population. Mazer Rackham, one of the more intelligent Colonels who flew his jet into the mother ship of the “buggers”, fended them off from desolating earth’s population. Ender is a skilled leader that is very intelligent in school and about the buggers. In the book I imagined him as a short and young boy who is smart. But in the movie, Ender is a tall, white, and old kid who is very smart in everything. In the novel Ender confronts his bullies and stands up for himself. He takes them on or challenges them. In the movie Ender is sort of softened or isn’t as tough as he was in the Novel. In the movie, Ender doesn’t challenge the bullies such as Bonzo and Stilson.

There were many settings in the movie. The settings in the movie were Earth, Eros, Battle School, the Battle room, and the bathroom. On earth, the first initial battle between the buggers and humans occurred. On the planet Eros and in space just outside the planet Eros the last battle between the buggers and humans occurred. In battle school, many matches or battles between the clans in Battle School occur. In the battle room, many ferocious battles occur and player freeze each other and try to get to each others gates to win the battle. In the bathroom, Bonzo and Ender fight which leads to Bonzo cracking his skull open.

In the movie, there were many events that were missing. I am not saying that they are going to include every event from the book, but they missed many events. They missed many events or battles in the battle room. They added the last part with the cocoon and the queen ant. They added in the part with the practice rounds with Petra and didn’t have those practice opportunities in the book. Bean became friends with Ender early on in the Movie. Ender learns early that Bonzo’s leadership tactics are faulty so Ender thinks that he should lead. In the film, Bean is simply a good-natured fighter.

There were many characters in the movie. There was Bonzo, Alai, Bean, Petra, Colonel Graff, Anderson, Valentine, Bernard, Dap, Stilson, Mr. and Mrs. Wiggin, Peter, and Mazer Rackham. Ender’s family members Valentine, Peter, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiggin aren’t really incorporated in movie. Most of the movie is basically in space. The only parts you see Mr. or Mrs. Wiggin, Peter, and Valentine is when they eat dinner and Colonel Graff comes to speak with Ender and his family.

The theme of the book was based on the perspective of how intense training, and fighting can mess someone up at an early age. Humans fought against the buggers and had to eliminate the buggers threat to take over Earth. So humans went to the bugger home planet and destroyed their planet so that humans wouldn’t have to worry about the buggers coming back and killing humans and wiped them out. The theme of the movie was to hang on to your morals and die, or do what ever it takes to survive. Basically, if you want to live fight hard and keep on persevering, never give up.

Overall I’d rate the book a 9 out of ten. The movie I’d rate a 7 out of ten. If you read the book, the movie is kind of junk, but if you didn’t read the book the movie is pretty good. I liked the book better than the movie because the movie seemed rushed and didn’t really follow the plot of the book. I enjoyed watching the movie though but I wish the movie could have been longer so that it could fit more of the plot from the book instead of rushing it.

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