The Red Pony by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

November 22, 2013
By E-Sims24 BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
E-Sims24 BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hard work beat talent when talent fails to work hard ~kevien Durant

My Book Review
Book title and author: the Red Pony by John Steinbeck
Title of review: Learning to become a man in life
Number of stars (1to 5):

I think The Red Pony is an excellent book but very sad. The book takes place in California during the 1930’s. I thought the first story called “The Gift” was sad. It was about Jody who got connected to his new horse. Then it started raining a lot Jody didn’t know when he would be able to ride his horse. He asked Billy ‘when it will rain again’ Billy thought it wouldn’t rain that day but if it was the horse could fight through it; but it didn’t matter of fact it got sick. Billy tried fixing the problem he tried removing a bump on his jaw and he kept telling Jody he will be fine. The horse ended up getting its eyeballs poked at by a buzzard. Jody killed the buzzard for killing his horse. His father was cruel and said “you know it’s not the buzzard that killed it?”
Description and summary of content
The Red Pony consists of four short stories. The names of the stories are first “The Gift” , “The Great Mountains” ,“The promise” , and “Leader of the people.” All of the stories consist of Jody. The stories were mostly about Jody growing up on a ranch with his family also with Billy Buck. Then Jody learns a lesson about life and growing up because in each story something dies. In "The Leader of the People" a part of Grandfather dies when he realizes that Crossing has passed. In “The Promise” and “The Gift” horses die. In “The Great Mountain” Gitano probably died.
I thought the story was well written and was an excellent book. Most of all the books had something in common and it taught Jody one big lesson about life. The lesson I thought it meant was how to become a man in life. I thought that was the lesson because Jody had three men in his life his father, grandfather, and Billy Buck. All three of these men taught him a lesson. For Billy the lesson was everyone makes mistakes. For his father taught him think before you speak. Grandfather taught him to be a leader.
My review is about how I felt and what I thought the story is about. The story had many different meaning but the meaning I got was learning to become a man because everything Jody went through he had to take it like a man even though he was ten he couldn’t be stuck on the past. Jody is a ten year old boy who lives on a ranch with his family and Billy Buck. Jody wants to grow up and lead like his grandfather. In this story Jody has his ups and downs don’t complain about life and that is what life is about.

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