Ender?s Game by Orson Scott | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game by Orson Scott

November 22, 2013
By Kalewa Lindsey BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
Kalewa Lindsey BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the book Ender’s Game, ender is a child who was six years old with the brains of a genius. He is highly excelled in his studies: math, language arts, science, and social studies. But he is extremely skilled in is strategy. He has a sister named Valentine, and a brother named Peter. He loves his sister because she’s really nice to him and doesn’t treat him differently. But he feels the opposite about his brother because he’s really mean and he tortures him. He doesn’t really feel loved by his parents because they didn’t want to have a third. A third is a third child but you need special permission from the government to have one.
But in the movie Ender’s Game, ender is twelve years old yet still very intelligent. His feelings are the same in the book and in the movie. He still loves his sister Valentine and hates his brother Peter. His parents feel more compassionate for him in the movie. Because in the book his father and mother barely talked to him. The book said that his parents were too busy with work and other things. So it was only Ender, Valentine, and Peter home.
Ender was six years old when demolishing stiltson, he was only in kindergarten or fourth grade. But the Director of the movie did not stay faithful and made ender 12 or 13. A reason that the director would change the script would be that it was more realistic at the age of 12 to be destroying another kid that age. This affected the movie because his childhood hadn’t been talked about or even skimmed upon. And they also didn’t add that Valentine and Peter were Demosthenes and Locke. This affected the book majorly because and the end of the book Peter was the Hegemon. A Hegemon is kind of like the president or someone in a high place. Also in the movie it did not state that valentine became apart of the board for the International Fleet.
Another major change was in the rising action, when on the spacecraft he met all of his comrades for battle school. He was supposed to meet his launch group in the spaceship and his other group at battle school. This affected the outcome because he felt more isolated in the book than in the movie. So being less isolated means that he worked less to become part of a “clique. “In the book when fighting with the actual “buggers” using the simulator. His friends also weren’t there when doing the simulator, in the book; they were all in different places but talking through the microphone.
A change in character is that Bonzo was a short Mexican in the movie. In the book bonzo is a mean, big, Spanish. Another change is that Ender is tall in the movie. I'm sure that most people who read the book thought ender was smaller like 5-3 or 5-5 rather than 5-10. It also did not mention that Mazer Rackman had tattoos. It also did not say that he was a type of Islander, so that threw a lot of people off. And when ender fought bonzo in the book, Bonzo had a group of friends with him guarding dap from coming in.
At the end of the book doesn’t Ender go outside and to talk to an alive queen. He and other officials including Valentine have a colony at another planet where most of the people from earth go to live. But in the movie ender goes by himself to search for a planet where the “bugger” queen could live and not be able to harm humanity.

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