Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

November 21, 2013
By Summerrrrr BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Summerrrrr BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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Ender’s Game Review

In the Ender’s Game book there were many things that I could compare from it to the movie. The book had way more information than the movie. While reading the book I could imagine all the things that were happening, but while watching the movie I only saw some of the things I read.

In the Ender’s Game book, there are ant-like species attacking Earth called the buggers. To defeat them, Colonel Graff and Major Anderson keep an eye on 4-16 year old kids using monitors that can watch over them to see their actions and emotions on others. These monitors are placed in the back of their necks so when Ender Griffin, a six-year-old boy, gets his monitor taken out a boy and his friends named Stilson goes to threaten him and push him around. When Ender loses his control he breaks Stilson’s arm and walks out. The Ender that he was while fighting Stilson is not the person he was. When he goes home Colonel Graff and Major Anderson show up at his door to ask him if he wants to train at a Battle School to fight against the buggers. When he accepts their requests they take him to the Battle school and sends him to his first troop. They picked the smartest and most skilled kids to participate. In the end he is given his own team called the Dragon troop. Since they won against the best troop in the school, they were chosen to go to Eros and battle against the real aliens. Ender didn’t know what he was actually up to. Later when he blew up the alien planet he was told that it wasn’t a game. It was real life. It made him feel like Peter. It made him feel like a killer.

In the movie it was exactly the same but when he was going to the battle school, I didn’t know that they were taking him to a secret space place. Also when they got to the battle school. It was actually in space. I think the rest of the movie was pretty much the same.

The setting was kind of different than I thought. In the book I was thinking of the battle school being on earth at a secret place and when they go to battle they would have to meet the aliens in space. I imagined the battle school being kind of like a rectangular shape and brighter with more lights and I thought it would be a white color. I could see many battle rooms but there was actually only one big one with windows built around it.

I think the theme of the book is to know your enemies and know yourself. Like Ender when he didn’t think he wanted to kill, he changed and fought against his humanity by hurting Stilson. He tried hard not to be like Peter. Not to be a killer. Also in the book he watched videos of battles that were against the buggers to see what they’re up against, but in the end when he found out that the last battle with the buggers was real, he hated that he killed their whole species.

There were a lot of things that weren’t in the movie from book. One thing is that when Ender and Stilson were fighting, it was supposed to be outside not in a classroom. Second, Dap didn’t say he was the mother of the army. Third, Bonzo didn’t slap Petra. Another is that Peter didn’t say sorry to Ender. Also Ender didn’t tell Bernard about how he put his name on a note Ender made on the desk. I think the last one I can remember is that Peter and Valentine didn’t work together on the Locke and Demosthenes thing.

I think the movie was really cool and exciting. My favorite part of the movie was when they were fighting in their last battle. It seemed very realistic and they were working together as a team. What I didn’t like was that the battle against the Salamander army was really short. Also they should’ve put everything that was in the book, into the movie so it would be the same.

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