The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

October 25, 2013
By Nayeli Flores BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Nayeli Flores BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"The world had teeth and it could bite you with them anytime it wanted." Is how Stephen King started the book off. After reading the first couple of sentences people wont be able to stop. It grabs you and doesn't let go, that sentence was very interesting and true. The world has its ups and downs.

In this book a girl named Trisha, a Red Sox fan, that gets lost in the woods while she, her recently divorced mother, Quilla and her brother Pete went to the Appalachian Trail. She knows that in the woods people could get hurt and sometimes they could end up being dead which gets her worried. She goes through some struggles as she's lost. This book was very interesting too read because it not only said what people did but it also said what they were thinking. That makes it easier to see how they felt as well as what they thought and understand the characters better.

Trisha would often imagine that Tom Gordon her favorite Red Sox player was there with her and that he would be her savior. In the middle of the story it could seem a bit confusing because it goes from talking about Trisha being in the woods and what she is thinking to her mom having a dream about her getting hurt. But if you read it all without skipping any parts it will be better to understand and interesting. This would be a great book to read it can be predictable at times but other times you get surprised at what happens throughout the story. Also, tells you every single detail so if you had questions as you were reading by the end all your questions were answered.

Overall this was a very interesting and a full of suspense book. Anyone who likes to read mystery or suspense books will love this book. Especially those people who are Stephen King fans. To know the ending you have to read the book.


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