Deep Betrayal (Lies Beneath #2) by Anne Greenwood Brown | Teen Ink

Deep Betrayal (Lies Beneath #2) by Anne Greenwood Brown

October 21, 2013
By Anonymous

I'm not the hugest fan of paranormal romances. I feel as though they are all somewhat the same. The main character also usually bugs me. However, this book is unique in that instead of vampires or werewolves, you get mermaids. It's a whole new form of mythological creature that hasn't been done very much. Given that, I still don't like the main protagonist of the story. Lily is a very annoying girl whose thoughts are constantly about the guy she desires. The relationship between Calder and Lily, in my opinion, never really gets anywhere. It seems as though they're just a stalemate the entire time. I also feel as though this book could delve deeper into the mythology of mermaids, instead of spending so much time on the characters' relationship. There were also some parts that just kind of got rushed through. This book did have some exciting pieces to it. I also thought the end had a surprising result. Overall, I enjoyed this book but wouldn't read it again. I'm just disappointed because this story could have been so much more.

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