Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks | Teen Ink

Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks

October 16, 2013
By Ben2000 BRONZE, S. Charleston, West Virginia
Ben2000 BRONZE, S. Charleston, West Virginia
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The Sword Of Shannara by Terry Brooks

The book The Sword of Shannara is by Terry Brooks. He is also the author of many other great books in the series. His wrighting style is nice and stretched out.

The Sword of Shannara takes place a long time ago. The main characters of the story are Shea and Flick Ohmsford. They partake in an adventure to find the legendary sword of Shannara. Along the way they meet lots of new friends and enemies.
They meet a stranger named Allanon. He tells them that they are in danger. He also tells them that Shea is the hear to the people of Shannara. They then have to leave the safety of their home because skull bearers come after them and hunt them.
The theme of the book is helping people in need. The author has a subtle tone. He starts the story very well and ends it very well.
In conclusion I found this boom very interesting. I think it is a great read for 8th graders and up. I enjoyed reading this book because it was interesting.


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