Cracker | Teen Ink


October 10, 2008
By Anonymous

I read this book over the summer and it was one of those books that I just wanted to buy it and didn’t really know anything about except that it was about a dog. Well Cracker is now my favorite book. I started reading it and then got to a part when I couldn’t read it anymore because it was so sad. I finally picked the book up again and couldn’t put it down. If you like dogs, war, and excitement this non-stop thriller is right for you.

Cracker is about a boy name Willie who has to give Cracker up because they move to an apartment. Cracker is going to a military camp for dogs. When Cracker comes she is paired up with Rick a new trainee. Rick is here to show his family and friends what he can do. Cracker helps rick though booby traps, bomb, and the enemy.

The only reason I picked this book was because I have a German shepherd. I soon learned that it was filled with love, companionship, loss, and action. Please Go Buy This Book Today.


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