The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

September 5, 2013
By kayroberts12 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
kayroberts12 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Title: The Fault in Our Stars

Author: John Green

Title of Review: Life Changing Book

Number of Stars: 5/5

My book is called The Fault in Our Stars. It is written by John Green. He has written many books such as Paper Towns, and Looking for Alaska. He has been a two time finalist for the LA Times Book Prize Award. John Green now lives in the great city of Indianapolis, Indiana. Indiana is where he now lives and is where he is continuing to write books.

The Fault in Our Stars takes place in the present day. The main characters are Hazel and her boyfriend Augustus Waters. They both go to classes that are for people who are either ill or people who are going through a hard times. The meeting takes place every week at a nearby church. This is where Hazel means Augustus. Augustus and Hazel are the same and different in many ways. They start out as becoming friends but they might now stay just friends. Hazel is struggling through thyroid cancer. Augustus is struggling through only having one leg.

One day Hazel wakes up and her mother tells her they are going on an adventure. They are going to the author’s house of Hazel and Augusts’ favorite author. The author lives completely out of the country! Hazel is so excited she packs her bags and then they pick up Augustus and they get on the plane. Hazel wonders for a while how she could be going on such a huge trip when she doesn’t have a lot of money. Augustus finally tells her his parents are paying for the trip! The reason Hazel and Augustus want to go to their favorite author’s house is because they want to know what happens at the end of the book. The book they both read is considered a cliff hanger book. This leaves the reader very suspenseful.

As soon as they get to the authors house something surprisingly happens that is terrible. Hazel doesn’t know what to do about Augustus. She doesn’t know if he will be ok. Will it change her life forever? What will she do?

I loved this book. It is the best book I have ever read. I never wanted to put the book down. I never wanted to stop reading it! It teaches you lessons on how to be thankful. It impacted my life and had a major influence on my life. It is a great book.

You should read this book! It can be happy and then become sad all in a matter of minutes! If you want to read a book that you will never put down read this one! The theme is amazing as well. I interpreted the theme as being thankful for everything you are blessed with, or never taking anything selfishly. I really enjoyed this whole entire book.

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