Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen

September 5, 2013
By Emma Hamilton BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Emma Hamilton BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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A Must-Read Novel
The book Someone Like You was written by Sarah Dessen She is one of the most popular writers for young adult novels. Her book The Truth About Forever was voted a YALSA Teen Top Ten Book. Five of her other books have been chosen as ALA Best Books for Young Adults. Sarah Dessen currently lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Someone Like You is a fictional novel for young adults. It takes place in Lakeview, North Carolina. The main characters are Halley and Scarlett. They are both juniors at Lakeview High School. Halley and Scarlett live right across the street from each other and have been best friends since preschool.

One night, near the end of summer, Scarlett calls Halley in tears and tells her that her boyfriend, Michael Sherwood, died in a motorcycle accident. Halley quickly rushes to her side to comfort her. At the funeral, Halley meets Michael’s best friend, Macon Faulkner. On the first day of school, Halley finds out that Macon is in her P.E. class and they start being friends. A few months after the beginning of school, Scarlett pulls Halley in to the bathroom and tells her that she is pregnant with Michael’s baby. Halley is shocked! Will Halley and Macon’s friendship turn into something more? Will Scarlett have her baby? Will Halley be strong enough to help Scarlett through this tough time?

The theme of Someone Like You is friends and family are more important than anything else. “The world is an ugly, awful place not to have a best friend.” The tone of the book was loving and heartfelt. Although Halley and Scarlett would argue occasionally, they would always end up on the same side. Scarlett has always been braver and more outgoing, but now Halley must be strong enough for both of them; “Because a best friend is a promise you keep forever.”

Someone Like You is a must-read novel filled with love, humor, and thoughtfulness. There are many different characters, some cruel, and some kind. This novel is an excellent page turner that you never get bored of. It kept me intrigued throughout the entire course of the story. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes to read about love, friendship, and the journey through life.

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