Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban . I loved it. Five S by By J.K Rowling | Teen Ink

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban . I loved it. Five S by By J.K Rowling

September 5, 2013
By Brock Forsythe BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Brock Forsythe BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban By J.K Rowling. I loved it. Five Stars.

Harry Potter was written by J.K Rowling. She began writing stories when she was six. J.K Rowling lives in Scotland with her family. The first Harry Potter book was published in 1998.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a fictional story. It takes place at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United Kingdom. The three main characters are Harry, Ronald, and Hermione. They are all talented with a wand. Draco Malfoy is a nuisance to Harry.

When Harry was one, he became an orphan. His parents were killed by Voldemort. Harry was sent to live with his uncle, aunt, and cousin. They hated him while he was with them. They had to accept him in to their home.

Harry got to Hogwarts and there was trouble. A man had escaped from Azkaban (the wizard prison). His name is Sirius Black. People thought Harry shouldn’t go to school until Sirius Black was caught. Sirius was looking for Harry.

J.K. Rowling’s tone is smart, serious, and playful. Harry wants revenge on Voldemort. One of Harry’s biggest problems in the story is that Sirius Black is after him. The theme for this book is to never judge someone until you know them.

J.K. Rowling made these books because she enjoyed them. She makes the setting off of her home country. Harry Potter is very famous. He is the only one who survived Voldemort’s curse. He loves looking for some new adventures.

I love Harry Potter. It is so interesting. I recommend this book to anyone. It has so much action and adventure. There are so many mysteries and conflicts. It is a great book.

The author's comments:
I love Harry Potter. It is so interesting. I recommend this book to anyone. It has so much action and adventure. There are so many mysteries and conflicts. It is a great book. 5 stars.

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