While He Was Away by Karen Schreck | Teen Ink

While He Was Away by Karen Schreck

September 5, 2013
By mare_mango_xoxo BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
mare_mango_xoxo BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Best Love Story EVER!
Title: While He Was Away
Stars: Five stars

The book While He was Away was published by Karen Schreck. She writes lots of books about love stories. One of her books earned a pushcart prize. While He Was Away is about a girl who has a boyfriend about the army and she’s worried if things will ever be the same when he comes home.

While He was Away is based on a non-fictional book about a warming romance between a young girl and a soon to be soldier. This novel takes place in present day Oklahoma. The characters include: David; the army boyfriend/Penna- main character / girlfriend of David. The initial conflict is David has joined the army but Penna isn’t ready to let him go or deal with the possibility of him dying.

Penna and David have been soul mates since high school. But, when David leaves for the army Penna gets worried if when he comes back if things will ever be the same in there amazing romance. Before he left for the army, Penna and David had long night of watching the sunset and the moon rise while relaxed in each other’s arms. That’s another thing Penna isn’t ready to let go of.

I love this book! It kept me interested throughout the whole thing and wanting to know more. I love how descriptive it was. Also, I like how every chapter ended in a cliff hanger. I would recommend this book to any teenage girl that likes a romance book.

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