The Hunger Games by Suzanne Colliins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Colliins

September 5, 2013
By TristinHarper BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
TristinHarper BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Must Keep Reading.
5 Stars
The Hunger Games is written by Suzanne Collins. She has written three Hunger Games trilogy books but I chose this one because it’s the most important. She is a very detailed author when it comes to books. I don’t know what the awards were for the book but they were hard to achieve rewards in my opinion.
The Hunger Games is about a boy and a girl that live in what they call Panama but it just America in the future basically. Their names are Katniss and Peeta. Katniss has a sister that has just been entered into the reaping for the first time. Once entered, one boy and one girl from each district will have to fight to the death and survive until there is one last person standing. Prim (Sister of Katniss) has just been drawn out all the other people to survive. Katniss did not let that happen so she volunteered to switch places with her so she doesn’t have to try to survive.
Katniss and Peeta barely knew each other but Katniss remembered him when he gave her bread. When she saw him for the second time she knew who he was. They go to the capital and Cenna helps Katniss get ready for the reaping and training. Cenna puts fire on their suits and that’s why Katniss is called the girl on fire. When they start Peeta ends up running off to hide and Katniss gets a bag and finds a tree. Some of the people died in the beginning of the arena. Almost toward the end of the games they make a rule that if two people from one district survive then they win the games. They change the rules back and forth until Peeta and Katniss try to eat poisonous berries.
I recommend this book to anyone even people who hate reading. It’s a very action packed and adventuring book that anyone may love. I liked it because it’s a book about fighting and the future. I loved this book and I am looking forward to more of Suzanne Collins books. I hope you will read this book and enjoy it as much as I did.

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