The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini | Teen Ink

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

August 8, 2013
By Sophh__ BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Sophh__ BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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I read The Kite Runner as a summer assignment for my sophomore year in high school. Khaled Hosseini did a great job writing this book, it is so moving and powerful that it seems as if the story is real. It shares the life of a character named Amir, who is the young narrator in this story. The way the author added details into the story, made it come alive and make everything more vivid. I loved this book because there was nonsense, no unneeded details or info. The author made his point and the events kept coming which made me even more engaged. The part that moved me is that these events in this story went on and are still going on in Afghanistan. It shows friendships that are not allowed but yet, the characters make them work no matter who judges them. This book also shows a great amount of love and forgiveness . It was interesting learning about a new culture that is so different from the American ways. The way the culture is portrayed in the book shows you that they are very strong, proud people who stick by their ways. It gave me so many different feelings and mixed emotions. Between the guilt, the fear, the love and most importantly the redemption. It made me cry, laugh but best of all it opened my eyes to a different way in this world . Khaled Hosseini taught me a great life lesson, nothing in this world comes easy and people make mistakes. If a fiction book wants to be true to the real world it cannot provide easy answers to life problems, but he ended this novel with a feeling of hope. This an unforgettable book that everyone should read. You will appreciate much more and forgive easier. It teaches you about cultures and life in Afghanistan which is very interesting . It opens your eyes to new things that most Americans aren't used to . It teaches you to make the right decisions as a child because those decisions will stay with you you're adult life. Each character in this novel is really deep and intriguing. I would give this book 5 out 5 stars. I was never once bored with this story and it opened my eyes up to a whole different way of life. It also taught me many great life lessons. I would highly recommend this book.


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