Son of Neptune by rick roidan | Teen Ink

Son of Neptune by rick roidan

June 20, 2013
By andre bouchard BRONZE, Woodstock, Connecticut
andre bouchard BRONZE, Woodstock, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

i read this book at the begining of the year and i found it to be a rather good book. it had everything i could ask for from a book. it was suspenful and action packed.

this book is about a demigod child name percy jackson. he has lost all of his memories of who he is all he remembers is his name and how to us a magical pen that turns it into a sword named riptide. it starts out with him being chase by creatures called gorgons which he finally kills in front of a roman style military encampment that is filled with other demigods. the main adventure of this story starts when percy is issued a quest to free the god of the dead from his prison in alaska. on this quest he is accomapanied by his friends piper and frank. on the way to alaska the ruin into many enemies that try to kill them and they find out things about themselves that they didnt know and things about eachother and become closer as friends as it goes along.

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