Who told you to write? | Teen Ink

Who told you to write?

June 4, 2013
By Bettyboopunicorn BRONZE, Sweet Home, Oregon
Bettyboopunicorn BRONZE, Sweet Home, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I did not always like writing or typing or even reading for the longest time until I found the right author for me. It took me about four years until I found the right books to catch my attention and give me the "on the edge of your seat" or the "I never want to put this book down" feeling. Every time that I had to go to the library with my classes all of elementary school and most of middle school, I could never finish a book.
Eighth grade year I was fourteen about to turn fifteen and Christmas was around the corner. I was excite but also kind of nervous. I was not sure what I was going to unwrap (it wasn't until later I realized that gifts didn't matter, what matters is spending time with your family.)Christmas day arrived, and this time I still had visitations with my mother. It was about eight o'clock before everyone was awake and we all went to the living room waiting for breakfast. My brother, sister and I were told "no opening presents till after breakfast." All three of us hurried through breakfast. As our parents took their sweet time, we were getting impatient. Finally everyone was finished with their breakfast and the first thing we were allowed to open was our stockings. Once all three of us kids had our stockings we were able to go through and open any presents that happened to be in there. I got to the bottom of my stocking and there is this rectangular shaped present and I thought it was a video game. When I opened it, boy, was I wrong. Turns out it was a book, a romance book, in fact. My first one ever even though I didn't look too excited I said "oh...it's a book uh... thanks Santa." ( I still had to believe in Santa for my brother and sister.)
About a week went by before I looked at the book and said aloud to myself, "might as well give it a shot. I had never read romance, but who knows , I might like it or I may fall asleep, so here goes nothing." The book was called Fairy Tale Weddings by Debbie Macomber. I read the first chapter and ended up being in the fifth chapter before I went to bed. I was better than I thought. A couple days later I finished the whole book which had two different stories by the same author and I was laughing, smiling, crying with the book. It amazed me that I didn't fall asleep for once reading a book.
Ever since I read her book I can't stop reading them Debbie has become a big inspiration for me and so have her characters, all her characters have a little piece of me in them and because I felt so connected with them I wanted to write my own stories.Having a good connection with Debbie's characters really inspire me and got me writing. I have written poems but they aren't all happy, I started to write a book based on my life but I kind of burnt it because I didn't think it was good and I had to keep crossing out and rewriting and I just couldn't keep it going so I decided to burn it and hopefully I'll be writing again. I hope to continue writing the rest of my life I absolutely love it, maybe when I finish a story I can have it published. The only thing I have a hard time with is coming up with names for characters and what I want them to look like and what roles they play in the story. This is how I got started writing and I'm glad I have and I'm glad I gave this book a chance because in a way it changed my life I hope one day you will find a book that inspires you to do something you will come to love just as I have.

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