Abandon by Meg Cabot | Teen Ink

Abandon by Meg Cabot

May 21, 2013
By Paigers97 GOLD, Stanardsville, Virginia
Paigers97 GOLD, Stanardsville, Virginia
17 articles 2 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." --Albert Einstein


For the past two years Peirce has not had a normal life. She has been stalked by perhaps the most gorgeous guy in the entire world, and underworld. But there is just one problem, John is master of the underworld (Hades more or less) and Peirce wants nothing to do with him no matter what he says will happen.

Now she has even bigger problems. Peirce and her mother move back to her mother’s hometown where Peirce first saw John several years ago at her grandfather’s funeral. Now that she and John are virtually in the same town she can’t get him out of her head, no matter how much she thinks she hates him. Can she survive when the one thing that protects her is the one thing that her mother can’t buy? Or is the hope of making a truce with John the only chance she has?

My Thoughts-

This is one of Meg Cabot’s best books; it has the perfect amount of mystery, romance, and fantasy to keep anybody reading. I had first picked it up because I was in the mood for something like Greek mythology, I wasn’t sure if this book would satisfy me or have me still craving more. In the end I felt like a baby after a small bottle, well satisfied, but still wanting more.

The one thing that I found confusing was how the setting changed constantly, and not just the place, but also the time period. One moment you would be with Peirce in the present day and then you would be with her two years ago when she died, or a few months ago when she got removed from her old school.

The other thing that bugged me is that you didn’t really get to know John that much and the moments you do he acts like a total butthole. It gets really annoying, but there are those little sparks where you can tell he was actually human at some point. I personally hope we get to see more of that in the second book.
If you liked The Goddess Test series you will sure to love this one.

I give this book a rating of 4 out of 5.


This article has 1 comment.

on May. 23 2013 at 9:10 am
Sarah_Faulkner SILVER, Romney, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Great review!  I totally agree that this is one of Meg Cabot's best books, but she seams great at anything she puts her hand to.  And John?  He totally bugged me in the first book, too.  But it does get better in the second. I also really liked that you had the synopsis and then your thoughts.  Some of the reviews I've read today make them seem like the same thing.  :) I'm trying to think of something constructive to say and I'm just not coming up with anything.  Great job! ~Sarah