On this Earth | Teen Ink

On this Earth

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Photography is a closer view to the world awaiting. But what makes a photo eye-catching? Is it the photographer, or the setting? The answer is arguable. Some say only a magnificent photographer can create mind-blowing images, while an average photographer can have the luck. But is it the blessing of a photographer, which allows him to capture the most dream-like photos? It seems like that for photographer, Nick Brandt.
In his first published book of photographs, On This Earth, taken in East Africa, he captures wildlife in their natural condition, as well as in their daydreams. One wonders, how did Brandt capture that shot? His photographs almost seem unreal, unnatural, and positioned. Almost as if taken by gods. But as Alice Sebold wrote,” What is most amazing is to know that he is real- of blood and of bone, as we are.” He is like one of us, only with a god-like talent.
Photographs can demonstrate different profiles upon life and convey importance to life we ostracize or pay no awareness to. Nick Brandt is one to portray the unseen and display different viewpoints of life. In the collection of photographs displayed in his book, he exhibits the energy of wildlife: sadness and happiness, and how even in the gloomiest times animals can shine through and make their way to survival.
His shots on migration astound one. Seeing animals migrate with each other and their offspring amazes one with their extreme intelligence. Examining his works, one can feel the animal. Their thoughts. Their senses. Their feelings. As well as the setting. What must've Brandt been experiencing? My guess, an out of earth encounter.

When stepping out into the wild, one experiences different feelings, in addition to thoughts. Seeing his photographs I fell in love. Although, I have never had the joy of traveling to East Africa, and gaze at the astonishing wildlife, Brandt's photos make it seem as though I was there. I can only imagine how many others feel the same way. What must animals feel? Why are so many sad? Is it possible for humans to feel the same? Or better yet understand why? Nick Brandt's photos come pretty close. The depth in this particular book shows the eyes of animals. The feelings hidden inside. Regardless, it does not portray gloomy atmospheres. With Brandt's intense technique of sepia and dreamy sequence, who can resist his intriguing shots?
Throughout On This Earth, Nick Brandt incorporates a vast amount of wildlife. From elephants, to apes, to rhinos, and to one of the most elegant creatures on earth, giraffes, and many more, his photos never lose touch. Whether he shoots in the Saharan dessert or in the valleys of Guatemala, his shots will always flabbergast one. But this book in specific demonstrates his talent at its best. On This Earth, is a must have.


This article has 3 comments.

renzoroncal said...
on Sep. 29 2008 at 12:22 pm
What an excellent article. You have made used of your unparallel skills in writing and have showcased your best traits in writing.

luz a. said...
on Sep. 25 2008 at 3:16 pm
We are so proud of you Carly, this is great, you are getting on track to be and excellent Journalist. Go on...........WOW!!!!

alkarrieta said...
on Sep. 22 2008 at 2:58 am
amazingg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carly you are the bestt. Keep doing what you do. i am amazed. WOW!