The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien | Teen Ink

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

May 16, 2013
By akfishinggirl BRONZE, Homer, Alaska
akfishinggirl BRONZE, Homer, Alaska
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Action packed and adventure filled; what more could you possibly want in a book? Just when you think the book could not get any better, BAM you get emotionally attached to the characters. Suddenly you’re wishing with all your being that the hobbit was at home in his snug, little hole, just as he wants. This book is one of those classic “The Little Engine that could” stories. The hobbit starts out thinking he can’t possibly do anything to help the team on this adventure, but throughout the story he continually proves himself, and other people that also doubted him, wrong.

I would probably give this book 4 of 5 stars. One weakness this book has is at some parts it can get boring because of the great depth Tolkien goes into describing things. A great strength this book has is the imagination of Tolkien. Events that could never really happen in real-life seem so realistic in this book. Another aspect of this book that is a strength is how unpredictable the book is. By reading the first chapter, I could have never predicted the ending correctly. Around every corner is a new surprise in this book. Unpredictable, action packed, adventure filled, and emotionally attaching, The Hobbit, is definitely worth the read.


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