Snitch by Allison Van Diepen | Teen Ink

Snitch by Allison Van Diepen

May 8, 2013
By Anonymous

Julia DiVino a neutral girl in South Bay High she is neither a crip or a blood. Her friends are Q , Melisha , Marie , and Black Chuck. Even though Marie is a blood and Black Chuck is a crip. Melisha and Q aren't either.One day Julia got sent to the deans office for standing up to her teacher. She goes to sit outside the deans office and spots the new guy at South Bay. He is super cute. All the girls want him. That friday thnere was a schoool dance. Eric recognizes Julia and they start talkig. Before all crip vs war chaos at the dance ooccured Eric managed to get Julia from between the chaos. Later they had two classes together and Eric asked for Julias number. Eric and Black Chuck become friends. Julia hates gangs. Eric and Julia get together, then Eric joins the crips. Julia breaks up with him. Another party comes up turns out all the bloods were there and only Eric and another crip was there. Marie , Julia's blood friwnd , told Julia her plan to jump Eric and his homeboy to get jumped by all the bloods. So she managed to warn him. After Eric left the party all the bloods followed him and Eric had called over all his crip members. The bloods lost bad. The next day Eric calls Julia and takes her out to eat to thank her that she warned him . They end up getting back together. On Monday Julia's so-called friend , Marie , and her blood friends jumped Julia. They sent her to the hospital becasuse of a concussion. Eric got his crip girl members to jump the bloods. Julia lost al her fiends and Q are Melisha are too scared of Marie to stick up for Julia. Julia joined the crips. She made new friends that always have her back , plus she spends more time with Eric. One day Eric bought two tickets to go to a football game. He can't go so he tells Julia to take Chuck cause he's feeling sick. After the game Julia gets a call from Chuck. He said that his crip members and Eric got caught up with drugs. Julia couldn't believe Eric lied to her. Julia tried calling Eric to his cell but he didn't answer. Word got out that Eric had got out of jail no questions asked. That only meant one thing, he snitched. But not only that he worked with the cops.

The author's comments:
This book is full of reality. I really enjoyed it and I recommend it to anybody. It's a great story of gangs, drug,and romance.

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