The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness | Teen Ink

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

May 3, 2013
By Coleman Fleitz BRONZE, Paradise Valley, Arizona
Coleman Fleitz BRONZE, Paradise Valley, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book was not only a pleasure to read, it was a book that takes its readers to a faraway land of worldly realistic fantasy. Patrick Ness brings this magical world to life and puts its readers in the midst of its reality. The escape from realism that this book provides is never ending. This dystopian fantasy on a different planet 67 light years away provides enough of a new view as well as a reflection of earth. This planet does not have the same features as earth. This planet seemed to regions such as plains, marshlands, ports, and cites. The outlay of the land seemed not very earthlike due to its spacing and locations. This planet did offer some nostalgic things we see on earth though. It provides animals such as a dog like the character Manchee and the crocodile that attacks Aaron. It is somewhat unrealistic though in the sense that Manchee can communicate telepathically with people around him including his master, Todd. Other realistic technologies and structures such as buildings, boats and transportation devises. This book gives a real feel of a futuristic dystopian. The noise which is constantly in the heads of the inhabitant of this planet just shows the government control. It has the oppressing forces which happen to the religious orders and priests as well as government officials. This is shown through the search parties for Todd and the elections of officials. Though this story reminds me of earth, it gave the feeling of a different planet which was an escape from realism and reality as we know it.

The next yardstick I would like to choose is my personal beliefs. Though this book was full of violence and trying to break away from society, it provides a feeling of Todd and Viola doing the right thing to try to escape. The idea of killing in this book is not as big of a deal as it is on this planet it seems like which doesn’t make sense. There population is slowly declining yet death is just a means for survival. I don’t know if I would have the courage to kill Aaron like Viola did or make a decision of life or death like Todd did. This whole story is very realistic yet my personal beliefs would have to agree with parts and disagree with others. This book kept me reading and was a constant reminder of our society and a future it may hold. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a futuristic dystopian thriller. This book was amazing and if you chose to read it, you won’t be disappointed.

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