Monster by Walter Dean Myers | Teen Ink

Monster by Walter Dean Myers

May 3, 2013
By thomaseccles BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
thomaseccles BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Monster is a book about a 16 year-old teenage, Steve Harmon, who is on trial for felony murder. Throughout the trial, the aspiring screen writer begins to document his daily life in the form of a movie script. Myers is clear and concise with the screenplay and gives great detail in every scene. He gives a realistic approach to the trial and does not stray far off from what happens in day-to-day life. As the trial goes on, Steve begins to develop moral values as he grows up from this experience. His time in jail makes him grow as a man and realize that he needs to be responsible for his life and the people in it that he impacts. The two other suspects in the book, James Kind and Bobo Evans, are associated with Steve and are key characters in the book. As the case goes on, key witnesses come to the stand to testify against Bobo and King. These testimonials give a great illustration of what is happening and Myers use of words makes the read very artful. As the case comes to a close, a carton of cigarettes become a key part of the trial. As an afterthought to the robbery of the drugstore that killed Mr. Nesbitt, James King and Bobo Evans stole a carton of cigarettes and sold them to a man named Zinzi, The reason this helped the case is because when a store clerk reported the theft after the murder Zinzi was incarcerated and a deal was on the table. The deal was to testify against James and King to get out of prison earlier. As Zinzi testifies, Steve Harmon realizes that he might be in prison for the rest of his life. As the trial ends, Evans and King are sent to prison for murder and Harmon was declared innocent. Not much detail was put in my Myers on what actually happened at the site of the murder and at times it left one thinking. Harmon was a given a wake up call and realized that he needed to change his life around. He was given an opportunity and in this way it changed him as a person. Myers did a great job at stating real issues in this world and showed the need for justice and the consequences that will come with certain actions. He gave a clear and real account of everyday life that most of us take for granted. Overall, Monster was a great read and Myers makes it a boom you will not want to put down.

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