An Abundance of Katherine's by John Green | Teen Ink

An Abundance of Katherine's by John Green

May 3, 2013
By Abby Walker BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Abby Walker BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book I chose to read for this project was An Abundance of Katherine’s by John Green. This was a fun and enjoyable read for me. I have read a couple of Greens works in the past and loved them too. He is a very talented writer with amazing word usage. The artistry that Green portrays makes reading this book that much more enjoyable. He really makes you feel like you are right there in Gutshot with all of the rest of the characters. Even though this novel is clearly not a poem, the way in which Green writes flows together so well, it seems like it is one long poem. His language is extremely creative and this is what makes it such a good read. He is very good at changing the tone in the book. He makes the characters seem so real. Green makes the characters complex and makes you feel like they are one of your real life friends. This is something I really enjoy about his writing. While I was reading this book, I found myself constantly relating some of the characters to some of my friends and their personalities. This book has a lot of value in it in my eyes and it’s a great, easy read for anyone who loves to read. Green also has a talent for making the whole book tie together. Sometimes you can find yourself asking questions about the book, and Green has an amazing way of answering all those questions for you. I am not into those huge cliff hanger novels, so Green definitely pleases me when he answers all my questions! Like I said earlier, Green is very good at flowing his words together well. This makes a book so much easier to read, and for that I am grateful. When you are reading this book, it may seem that there are a lot of lose ends, but Green brings everything into a whole and I love that! Sometimes the plot takes unexpected turns and I like books that do that to the readers. He constantly keeps you guessing and makes you want to keep reading and reading. A few times while reading this novel, Green touched on some of my personal beliefs. This book is a lot about breakups and relationships and love, and he really does a good job at writing it from a teenagers point of view. If you are looking for a good, fun, and witty read, go pick this book up ASAP.

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