Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King | Teen Ink

Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King

May 3, 2013
By Anonymous

I have never read a book quite like Please Ignore Vera Dietz. Through out the book there was suspense. The reader feels as if they are a part of all the action. All of the events that were in this book are relatable to teenagers’ real lives. Every teenager goes through hard parts in their lives and it’s nice to have a book that’s relatable. Also, the fact that Vera and Charlie both had parents with problems was very relevant. All the time teenagers have parents that are out of the norm and not in typical situations. These teens feel as though they are alone in these situations. This book really shows that everyone goes through problems with their parents, and it’s one’s choice on how to deal with them. This book does show that teenagers need to deal with their problems, and not leave them unresolved. Vera took the task of clearing Charlie’s name into her own hands. She did a wonderful job of doing what was best. Vera was a good example for teens and how they need to do what is right, and also deal with their problems head on. There were some parts in this book that had some difficult topics. I did not like the topic of drinking and driving. I think that it is not a good thing to teach kids because of the fact is it extremely dangerous and can cause someone their life. I thought it was good that Vera’s dad showed her that drinking and driving is a horrible choice. I was also against the part with the pervert. I thought it was really weird how Charlie would associate himself with that guy. I could see that he was a bad influence when he first showed up in the book. One point Vera makes in this book is that she tries her best to stay out of drama. I think that is a wonderful thing to teach young girls. In high school there are always the mean girls who want to bring others down. In this book it shows that one can easily stay out of the drama, and not be brought down because of it. This book had very good visuals as well. You could picture every scene in the book. King’s writing is very to the point and easy to read. Any reader in high school could pick this up and easily understand it. Overall, I though this book was amazing. I would not suggest it to boys, but I think girls, who can deal with heavy topics, should read it. I thought the main message was a very good one to teach girls who are getting though high school.

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