Out of Reach by Carrie Arcos | Teen Ink

Out of Reach by Carrie Arcos

May 2, 2013
By hlambertus BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
hlambertus BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out of Reach by Carrie Arcos is a phenomenal read for young adult audiences. In the novel Arcos touches on important issues that people are faced with on a day to day basis in reality. Although a fictional novel Out of Reach, is able to entice the reader, and make them feel as if they were in the story themselves. The major issue in the book is substance abuse and the impact it has on the family of an addict. The main character, Rachel’s, brother is a drug addict and she sets off to find him. Through the duration of the book the reader is able to recognize the pain that Rachel is going through and her emotional grieving process of losing her brother to drugs. However, she is able to come to peace with that her brother will never be the same person that he once was and there is nothing she can do to change that besides accept it. Out of Reach is not a novel for someone who is looking to escape reality. This book is very real and has no fantasy element to it what so ever. It is also a fairly easy read, it constantly stays from the view of Rachel and not many new characters are introduced throughout the plot. The only part where the reading may confuse some readers is when Rachel has flash backs of her childhood and growing up with her brother, Micah, before he began using drugs and other substances. Rachel‘s character and role in the novel is extremely likeable and real. She does not act like a princess or a girly girl but she goes in and tries to get the job done as best as possible. In real life it is hard to face tough issues, and through Rachel’s character the book displays the message that no matter the issue is people can preserve and move on. This novel also gives insight on the inner turmoil that the family of a drug user goes through during the process as well. Drug use is a serious problem and hurts not only the user but also people that are close to them, which may be forgotten at times. Arcos does a magnificent job at capturing deep emotions that are not easily brought up or discussed. Whether the reader was an addict, personally knows one, or has just read about them; will for sure be touched after finishing the novel and feel a personal connection with majority of the characters. Out of Reach deserves a thumbs up and it is most definitely a must read for all teenage audiences!

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