If I Stay/ Where She Went | Teen Ink

If I Stay/ Where She Went

May 3, 2013
By Anonymous

If I Stay & Where She Went

The traumatic outcome and the sad ending will leave you in tears the book If I Stay and the sequel Where She Went by Gayle Forman. I really enjoyed reading these two books over the past few weeks because of the impact it had on me. While using the 7 yardsticks, I chose to use connections to reality and my personal belief. These books really showed me how your life can be perfect on minute and a disaster the next. I also learned to live each day like it my last.

The connection to reality really showed me a lot. In the book If I Stay, Mia is just a 17-year-old girl with her whole life ahead of her. She lives with her parents and little brother, and they decide to take a trip to their friend’s house. And while on the way there, they get into a car accident. Mia is in a coma and had to choose to live a far more difficult life or slip away and die. Making that hard of a decision at such a young age, really shows how short and sweet life can really be. These types of accidents happen more than once per day. And it is very sad to see these awful things happen. Mia also has a rock star boyfriend who has been with her through thick and thin. And one of the hardest things to read about was having Mia leave him. Mia is an amazing cello player, and wants to make it her profession. And it describes that Mia chose to live, and attend Julliard in New York. While her decision may have been a good one, it will be hard for her family to see her the way she is now.

The book had a very big impact on me and my personal beliefs. I believe that what Mia did is what I would have done exactly in my situation. Except for leaving the love of her life. It would be very hard for me to leave someone that meant so much to me. Even though I would be different, does not mean that I would not have the same people still love and care for me the way they did before this traumatic disaster happened. Especially having most of your family gone, you want to keep those same people who impacted you before still in your life, no matter the way you were before.

In conclusion, even though I am not a big fan of reading, I still really enjoyed this book. It really had helped me reading the critics reviews before I read the book so I knew it was not going to be a waste of time. I still got that intense heart throb and enormous amount of sadness, but it was all worth it in the end. I would recommend these two books who’s up for an intense rollercoaster.

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