Curveball: Sit Back and Hit It | Teen Ink

Curveball: Sit Back and Hit It

May 3, 2013
By WhatupCoop BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
WhatupCoop BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jordan Sonnenblick depicts a fictional character named Peter Friedman into real life situations about growing up and facing adversity. Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip portrays all kinds of emotion into every single page and leaves the reader desperate for more.
The reflection of reality found within this book is almost too shocking. It is like one is reading a story about a true occurrence or event. Jordan Sonnenblick portrays Peter as any other typical high school student. He undergoes adversity in all kinds of situations and learns to deal with his stress through the help of his family and friends. There is no instance in this story where something out of the ordinary happens. If that was the case, this story would be more focused around escape from reality. At any given moment, something can happen to either alter how the characters act and how the plot unfolds. The emotions that Peter feels vary indifferently and highly often. Sonnenblick will make the reader feel sympathy for Peter while at the same time, rejoicing with laughter. This artistry of literature is defiant in this story and is what keeps the reader on their feet! Reality is reflected not only in Peter, but in his friends, AJ and Angelika. These two provide him a stable support system that aids him during his lowest of times while also being there for the happy moments. One must remember that life will create stifles and road-blocks, but how one reacts will determine their true character. I honestly believe that Peter’s honest and humble attitude is a reflection of the events he faces.
Another specific yardstick that Sonnenblick excels at is internal consistency. Curveball was such an easy book to follow for a couple of reasons. Jordan Sonnenblick stays on the same topic for a certain amount of time and then will switch after a chapter or so. Most authors these days tend to change scenes all of the sudden to keep the reader of their feet. This may be good at times but will often create confusion. What Sonnenblick does so impressively is his ability to work more than one scenario into the same chapter. For example, Peter will find himself struggling with photography but will work in his typical, flirt-like conversations with Angelika. The plot also stays consistent throughout, even when it reaches the climax. I have noticed that a good amount of stories will lose consistency once they reach the climax, not here with Curveball.
If you are looking for a good read with a great message conveyed inside, Curveball is the story to choose! Just like its title, life will throw curveballs but how one reacts to them will define their outcome and success. Jordan Sonnenblick is a highly praised author for a reason and one will be sure to fall in love with his work after reading Curvball: The Year I Lost My Grip.

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