Bud, Not Buddy | Teen Ink

Bud, Not Buddy

April 30, 2013
By Elijah_H BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
Elijah_H BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
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Bud, Not Buddy

Bud, Not Buddy is a fictional book that is written for grades sixth through eighth. The story was set in a journey from Flint, Michigan to Grand Rapids, Michigan. The time is around the Civil Rights Movement. The time setting is also set around the Great Depression when President Herbert Hoover was president. The main character is Bud Caldwell, who tries to find his father, whom he believes is Herman E. Calloway, a bass player for a band. Bud tries to find Herman with the clues that his “Momma” left behind before she died. Bud gets some of that help from some friends like Lefty Lewis.

Bud, Not Buddy is a story that explains that you have help from anyone at anytime. I love how the book describes all of Bud’s five senses. It makes me feel and remember the things that happened to me compared to him. In this 236 page book, you will find descriptions, love, and other feeling that Bud experienced. For the book, Bud, Not Buddy, I give it a five star rating.

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