Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen

April 25, 2013
By readette14 BRONZE, Kermit, West Virginia
readette14 BRONZE, Kermit, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
How do you know if someone really loves you if you don't show them who you really are.

Dont tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon.

Book title and author: lock and key by Sarah Dessen
Title of review: Enjoy the story of Lock and Key
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4.5

“Ruby thinks she can take care of herself. She’s used to counting on no one and listening to anyone. That changes when her mother vanishes and Ruby is sent to live with her older sister. Now she’s living the high life, finally believing she has a future, and she’s scared because she’s not used to it. Plus what’s better than a little romance from the hottie next door.” In this story the audience she targets is teens and young adults. She wrote this to show that sometimes families can change. She’s also explaining that things can change and it’s scary, and some people don’t know how to deal with it. However if you’ve got someone who really cares about you they will try to help you. It’s about after being hurt that you can open yourself back up and trust again. The purpose of this review is to get you to read this story and understand what its saying.
Description and summary of main points
This book is about love and loss. Not everybody stays in your life forever whether they want to be in your life, or they don’t, or were forced out, the point is people always leave in the end. I learned that people will always come and go but you need to stay strong and carry on because no matter what happens, life is too short to be anything but happy and no matter what happens in the past there is always the future. The criteria I based this story on is the way she wrote it and all the emotion and responses to it. A quote from the book is “I was sure of something: It’s a lot easier to be lost than found. It’s the reason were always searching and rarely discovered-so many locks, not enough keys.” Page 365, this quote is the whole meaning of this book.
Overall, I found Lock and Key to be honest and surprising, fun loving and hilarious and that things don't always seem what they look to be. Characters are amazingly written, and the plot is fantastic and thick. Lock and Key is one Sarah Dessen book you have to read because once you pick it will be impossible to put it down. It’s really a page turner with a new mystery or answer to everything on every new page. It’s overall one of the best young adult novels out there.

Ruby doesn’t think she needs to count on anyone, but will the new people in her life show her differently. Yes change is scary, but sometimes it’s for the better. Sure not everyone stays in your life forever, whether it’s by choice or not. At least they make room for new people who may be life lasting. This is a book of love and loss, and of loss of faith and trust that can be gained again. This book with a thrilling mystery and added edge is a novel that everyone should read. This book so well written and fun loving will be impossible to put down so go and read it. I can guarantee that it won’t disappoint.
Your final review
Read this book! You won’t be sorry to give this book a chance. Sara Dessen is a very accomplished novelist who deserves praise for yet another masterpiece. It’s a well written hilarious book that will have hanging on the edge of seat. You will take the journey with ruby and will no doubt feel all the emotions of the book. Thumbs up Sara keep up the great work and come out with another thriller soon.

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