The fault in our stars by John Greem | Teen Ink

The fault in our stars by John Greem

April 12, 2013
By Anonymous

The fault in our stars is a book by John Green. The setting of this book is present day Indianapolis and a main theme of this book is a theme many people don't like to talk about.... Death. Now this book is not all about death it has it's romance and satire but a main theme of this book is death.

A main character is this book, Hazel Grace has lung cancer, and when she's about to die in a hospital a miracle heals her(Not her cancer, but it stops her from dying.) So hazel basically gives up on life because she knows she will die until she meets a boy Augustus Waters and everything changes...

What I love about this book is that it was very realistic. Hazel and Augustus are not good or bad people they are just people. I did not agree with everything Hazel said and I didn't agree with everything Augustus said.

Also this book has alot of emotion in it, You will cry and laugh,you will be happy and sad. And that's also what I love in a book because do I want to be happy all the time? No. Do I want to be mad all the time? No. Do I want to feel a variety of emotions? Yes.

If I had cancer, this would be a book I would always read. I recommended this book to people of all ages, and to people with and without cancer. I hope you all check this book out and enjoy it!

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I want all those with a love for literature to enjoy it.

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