Rapture by Lauren Kate | Teen Ink

Rapture by Lauren Kate

February 27, 2013
By Lindseyloo BRONZE, Haddon Heights, New Jersey
Lindseyloo BRONZE, Haddon Heights, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Without love, Earth is like a tomb"

Rapture- By Lauren Kate
3 ½ Stars out of 4
Are you a helpless romantic? Do you enjoy fictional, traumatic love stories that keep you on edge? If so, the Fallen Series is the perfect series of books for you. The Fallen Series contains four books: Fallen 1#, Torment #2, Passion #3 and Rapture #4. Finishing up my reading on this series, I would give the book 3 ½ out of 4. Even though it was a well written book it was hard for me in the middle to continuing reading. However I was still drawn in by the secret-kept love by the two main characters: Daniel and Luce.
Lauren Kate is the author of the Fallen Series and The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove. She is newly known as a best-seller of young-adult fiction. The Fallen Series almost reminds me of the series “Hush, Hush” which I’m addicted to, as well. Both series containing a mysterious, supernatural love line which is threatened by other dangerous beings. The Fallen Series are all in 3rd person, giving you the advantage of knowing the thoughts of others.
In Fallen, Luce is a 17 year old girl who has just enrolled in “Swords and Cross” High school. She’s greeted by many strange and interesting people, but she notices someone in particular. A boy named Daniel that greets her with his middle-finger held high. Does he hate her already? There’s something different, and familiar about Daniel that Luce can’t put her finger on. Daniel is beyond handsome. With his built structure, blonde hair and strange violet eyes he instantly makes Luce fall for his looks. But, maybe it wasn’t just Daniel’s looks. Was it love at first sight? Why did she feel attracted to him when he greeted her so rudely? Why is he so familiar to Luce? The Fallen Series unravels the secret affection between Luce and Daniel. They must fight for what their love is, but at what cost? What is their love? Do they have a past? Who are they? Rapture is the last book of the series where Luce and Daniel must fight against the supernatural and puzzle piece their love together.
The last book of the series was my absolute favorite. The other books tormented me and only gave minor details to Daniel and Luce’s twisted love. Finally Rapture answers all the questions we’ve been asking. The truth about Luce is incredible to find out and instantly heart breaking. Close to the end of Rapture I could not set it down. I was constantly reading and reading, dying to know the secrets that the author held from us. Needless to say this Series grasps the affectionate side; however there are many fighting encounters. This book would interest teenagers and maybe even younger if they are mature enough to handle intimacy at some points. Others may argue that this series was too long and made the books useless after Torment but, I completely disagree. After all the wait and stories coming together, the truth and the end was “hands down” the best.
The Fallen Series is a best-seller and definitely can see why. Lauren Kate was in no way predictable with her writing, and was very intricate with her plots! If you can guess how the story ends, then you must be a mind reader. The ending of the Series was the best part and you never would have expected such a twist! Daniel and Luce’s love is heart-breaking but also heart- warming at the same. I recommend this book to people who enjoy unraveling fictional love stories that tie in with the supernatural. Book after book, the mystery continues and reveals little by little of the connection between Luce and Daniel.

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