Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

February 26, 2013
By justin nafziger BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
justin nafziger BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book Divergent takes place in the future where the country is divided into five different factions. As a child, you must choose what faction you will either stay in or become. Tris chooses to join Divergent. This is by far the most dangerous and powerful faction in which you learn to become brave and courageous. Throughout this book, Tris must find her bravery and overcome her fears to stay alive.

Tris, a teenaged girl, has to choose a faction which will help determine what kind of a person she will become. Out of the five factions she picks the worst of them, Divergent. Divergent is the one faction in which you MUST become brave or you are banished and do not get another chance. She must go through the toughest training and the most difficult challenges. She must fight everyday and learn to use new weapons such as throwing knives and bow and arrows. She developed friendships with, Al (A very big and muscular guy), Christie (A tall smart and aggressive girl), and Ben (A calm tall boy). As they progress through training they must each overcome their fears, and for Tris, she must overcome her biggest fear or be banished forever.

The book Divergent taught me to be brave but still be myself. It is a very good read for people over the age of 10 because it has lots of intense scenes and keeps the reader interested. Children under the age of 10 may have difficulty following this book because there is some content that they will not understand. If you like this book you should read the second book in the series, Insurgent, or the Hunger Games series because they both teach the same thing just in different ways. This book could help inspire someone to face and overcome their fears. Will Tris make it? Because when you're Divergent, fear does not exist.

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