Gone by Michael Grant | Teen Ink

Gone by Michael Grant

February 22, 2013
By wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
40 articles 0 photos 3 comments

By Michael Grant
What would you do in a world with no adults? Everyone over the age 15 gone.
“In a blink of an eye everyone is gone.” One morning Sam was at school and his teacher was talking about the Civil War but in one second he was gone every single student came out and they didn’t see not one teacher in the school! Even the internet doesn’t work and you can call anyone. There is also a barrier that surrounds them you can’t go under or over the barrier and if you touch it gives you a shock and if you hit it with something it makes no effect.

This a fantastic book, I couldn’t stop reading this book, it’s really a cliffhanger it looks like a really thick book but if you like the book you can finish it in no time. I can’t compare this book to anything because there aren’t many types of books with barriers in the story that shocks you every time you touch the barrier and also disappearing adults in a story and kids with powers.

Every time I had a little free time I wouldn’t waste a second because I was a anxious to get my hands on this book because it had my mind on what was going to happen next this is the best book I have ever read in my entire life.

I recommend this book to adults and children who like adventures because this is a big one. Don’t forget to read the next gone series like the book two Hunger. Will they survive the F.AY.Z? You’ll just have to keep reading to find out.
By Jessica


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 2 2015 at 4:28 pm
SomeoneMagical PLATINUM, Durham, New Hampshire
22 articles 1 photo 259 comments
Good review! I agree--but you don't connect your sentences very well. Most of the time it is just a big blob for your paragraphs. I'm dissapointed they don't have a cover picture. The covers for these books are beautiful and they very well picture the characters in the books...but I do say there weren't many descriptions of people. I am glad at least they showed them in the pictures, but I hate the new covers!!! Why did they change them???!!