Between the Lines by Jodi Piccoult | Teen Ink

Between the Lines by Jodi Piccoult

February 7, 2013
By Haleyv BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Haleyv BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!

Delilah was always a little different. But then again she didn't exactly have a perfect childhood. Her dad left her and her mom when she was little. Now she's hooked on a fairy tale book. Her mom thinks she's crazy but she knows that there's something special about this book. A boy Oliver, the prince and main character of the fairy tale book talks to her when she reads. They've spent hours just talking. Delilah has never felt like anybody understands her like Oliver does. Even though no one else seems to realize Oliver talks she does. That's perfectly normal, right?

Jodi Picoult's Between The Lines is about Delilah , a loner. On the high school food chain Delilah's practically plankton. Her only real friend is Jules and that isn't much of a comfort to Delilah's mother. Jules has piercings all over her body and always seem to know the latest horror move or slash flick. Delilah loves books agh. Begun CNN. Byb brh buys NHL destructive desire for a different life, and yes, even love.

Between the lines is a wonderful book that I found very well written for Jodi Picoult's first time writing a book geared toward teens. At times the writing can seem choppy particularly towards the end. One of the largest surprises of this book was the different points of views. If that's not your thing. I wouldn't suggest reading this piece of literature.
One other thing that I found interesting but pleasing were the illustrations. They added a whole different dimension to this story.

But with all good things come some bad. In Between The Lines the ending is rather cliche and sadly I think it was poorly written. Frankly I was disappointed. Many times I found that the point of views could become choppy and quite distracting

" I guess I have to believe there’s more to the world than what’s inside these pages.” is one of the most memorable quotes from the book. It really makes you think about our lives and what a safe secure bubble we live in. Oliver is expected to always act in a calm composed way and to not think of "such silly nonsense" like what goes on outside the book. I know many teens across the nation feel this way just like I do. I know I myself what nothing more than to break out into the world and become successful as does most of our generation

Overall I would give this book 3.5 stars out of 5. Unlike other books I've read it was easy for me to put it down and not go back to it for several days. Though the light hearted humor more than makes up for what it's lacking. I think that Between the Lines would be an appealing read from anyone between 12 and 15. This fantasy book really made me think about the world and how sheltered were really are. I've never read a book the same way since reading this story.

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