The Order of the Pheonix by J.K. Rowling | Teen Ink

The Order of the Pheonix by J.K. Rowling

February 7, 2013
By KT123 BRONZE, Wattsburg, Pennsylvania
KT123 BRONZE, Wattsburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that in the “Order of the Phoenix” Dumbledore should have told Harry his prophecy when he first came to school because he would have been more aware, deaths may have been prevented, and Harry would have taken more caution. Some people believe the Dumbledore was right to withhold the information from Harry till now because he was too young to fully comprehend what it meant. I believe Dumbledore should have told Harry his prophecy soon because he would have been more aware. If Harry had been more aware about his current situation he would have been less surprised at Voldemort’s return. So when he saw the dark mark appear in the sky he would have been more alert and saw Barty Croches son in the bushes. Also, if he had been told the prophecy he would have been more aware and not participated in the Triwizard cup. He might he took mad eye just a little more seriously and not have played. I believe that Dumbledore should have told Harry his prophecy sooner because deaths could have been prevented. Sirius Black’s terrible death may have been avoided if Harry had known the prophecy because he would have seen right through the Dark Lords plain. This is because the Dark Lord was trying to get Harry to go to the Department of Mysteries, so he could hear the prophecy that was concealed there. Also, Harry’s friend Diggory’s death may have been prevented. If Harry knew his prophecy he would have grabbed Diggory when he saw Wormtail because he would have known Voldemort was going to return for him. I believe that Dumbledore should have told Harry his prophecy sooner because he would have taken more caution. If he were more cautious he wouldn’t have taken just Hermione and Ron down to the chamber. Instead, he might have told Professor McGonagall to help them in this matter. Also, if Harry had taken more caution he would have put supplementary thought into Snape’s close relationship with Draco, because his father was a Death Eater. If Harry had pondered this further he would have realized the Snape was a Death Eater too. Dumbledore should have told Harry his prophecy when he came to school because he would have been more aware, deaths may have been prevented, and Harry would have taken more caution because Harry could have avoided many problems. So, the next time Dumbledore knows something that important about Harry, he should just tell him.

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