Because of Mr.Terupt by Rob Buyea | Teen Ink

Because of Mr.Terupt by Rob Buyea

February 7, 2013
By Evie Olson BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Evie Olson BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Because of Mr.Terupt is a touching book about love, devotion, and acceptance. The book relates the story of seven children moving on to the fifth grade with a teacher, Mr.Terupt, who is new to the school. He appears fun and energetic while keeping the classroom under control, until one snowy, winter day when a horrible accident changes everything and everyone.

Because of Mr.Terupt, is a book I would certainly classify as realistic fiction. I really enjoyed the book but the one problem that I have with this book is it did not have much action or excitement. It was a truly heartwarming story, and that part I really appreciated. In my opinion one of the most exciting parts of this book is when the “accident” happens on the snowy winter day. The child characters in the story just say things like,”I just didn't want anyone to get hurt”, and, “I wish I could take it back I didn't mean to throw it.”, and “I can still remember Alexia’s scream, piercing, horrified.” The author, Bob Buyea, takes a long time to really relate to the reader what had happened, making me want to read on.

Because of Mr.Terupt, is written so that in every chapter a different child is talking, so you are able to interpret everybody’s perspective. This style of storytelling I like very much. Just like most classrooms, Mr. Terupts class has a large diversity of personalities in the children. There is the student who hates school, the social outcast, the painfully shy girl, the brainiac, the prankster, the bully and of course the new girl.

The principle theme within this book is not to judge a person before you get to know them. The kids learn this when it turns out they really love Mr.Terupt after initially thinking they were not going to like him. There is another very good point of the book that comes across, and it is to think positively. The children learn this lesson when Mr.Terupt tells Anna, the outcast, to always think positive. Anna does not really listen until the “accident” happens and she then remembers what Mr. Terupt had told her. She shares that positive message with the class which helps everyone through the rough time.

Because Of Mr.Terupt was a great heartwarming book that told the story of how seven children, an amazing teacher, and their growth during the school year changed everyone in the class. I truly enjoyed reading how the whole community’s year turned into something great. While reading I could not put the book down because I was just focused on finding out what was going to happen. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone 10 -13 years old, regardless of their reading level. If you are a little bit older this would be a great quick read if that is what you are looking for.

Because of Mr.Terupt will take you on a trip that will make you happy and sad. It will give you reason to laugh and maybe even cry. Overall I would give this book a rating of 8 out of 10. This is a book that will make you think about judging people before you get to know them and forgiveness when something goes wrong. There is also an exciting twist at the end that you won't be expecting!

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