When The Game Was Ours by Larry Bird, Earvin “Magic” Johnson, with Jackie MacMullan | Teen Ink

When The Game Was Ours by Larry Bird, Earvin “Magic” Johnson, with Jackie MacMullan

January 31, 2013
By bledbluenorange BRONZE, East Setauket, New York
bledbluenorange BRONZE, East Setauket, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jackie MacMullan’s When the Game was Ours is a story about the careers of two of the greatest basketball players ever, Larry Bird and Earvin “Magic” Johnson. It talks in sequence about each of their careers, their rivalry with each other, and their relationships. When the Game was Ours is any sports fans dream book.

The story begins with the 1978 World Invitation Tournament, which is the start of the greatest rivalry ever. The story next takes us to the NCAA National Championship, where Larry Bird’s Indiana State University took on Magic’s Michigan State University. Followed by the back and forth meetings in the NBA championships in the ‘80’s to finally Magic’s HIV era, to the Dream Team. Lastly their friendship is shown.

Jackie MacMullan does a great job in displaying the rivalry and the intense matchups. In addition, she does an amazing job in showing other peoples opinions of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. The impact of Earvin Johnson and Larry Bird on the NBA is shown when Jackie MacMullan says they “saved the NBA.”

The story When the Game was Ours by Jackie MacMullan is a great book for any basketball lover. Who would believe two poor young boys living on the opposite sides of the country would grow up to battle each other and be the best at what they do?

The author's comments:
review for someone who loves basketball

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Wakawaka said...
on May. 29 2014 at 8:07 am
this iz the most cooollest review evar