Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard | Teen Ink

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

January 31, 2013
By PLLlover BRONZE, Lake Grove, New York
PLLlover BRONZE, Lake Grove, New York
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Many towns have secrets. Secrets that will never be discovered. Many people have secrets that go from one ear to anther. It's come to the point where people can't trust each other anymore, more like you can't trust your best friend. And when you can't trust your best frien, it won't hurt to lose her. Would you like to lose your best friend? If you wouldn't, read Pretty Little Liars. This drama/mystery book will teach you what happens when you have a friend that lets your secrets out. It shows the pain the four girls go through when they each lose someone special.

Reading about what the girls had to go thorugh will make you have the same feeling of fear, insecurity, and not fitting in, as them. You'll get a chance to meet the girls that were manipulated by their best friend. After each chapter, all you want to do is keep reading more. As soon as one bad thing happens, a whole chain of bad things start to happen to everyone. More secrets get revealed that were never supposed to. You'll just have to wait and find out those secrets, or you will be missing out. It's that feeling that you get when you're going down on a rollercoaster, and it feels like your stomach drops, and you're going to be sick to your stomach. That's the feeling you get when something bad happens in the book.

Sara Shepard writes the book as if you're actually in the series. If one of the characters is in fear or scared for their life, you almost play your reaction in your head. If they don't have the same reactiona as you, you get confused and mad as to why they didn't feel the same way. You keep reading faster to see what happens. At the end of every chapter, they each get an unexpected text message, email, or letter from someone special. But I'm not telling you that, you can find out for yourself.

I love this book because it's something different than anything I've ever raed before. Even if you're not a fan of drama/mystery, you're still going to get into it. I promise. I'm not similar to any of the girls, but I can relate to how they all react when they're in ceratin sitiuations.. The funny thing about th girls is that their personalities match their styles. If one girls is insightful, she wears dark clothes. If another girl is outgoing, she wears colorful clothes. If one of them seems to be insecure, their style always changes. And if the girl is very smart and mysterious then she'll wear business clothes.

Whenever you hear that someone told a secret about you, the first thing you want to know is who told it. And then you eventually find out who it is. In this case, the girls will find out a secret about them, but then never know who told it about them. This is what the gils are still trying to figure out. They have to go through many obstacles to see who this person is even if it mneans having to lose the people they love the most.

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