Prentice Hall Mathematics: Algebra 1 by McDougal Littell | Teen Ink

Prentice Hall Mathematics: Algebra 1 by McDougal Littell

January 17, 2013
By Lzappy GOLD, Plainsboro, New Jersey
Lzappy GOLD, Plainsboro, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My father bought an Algebra 1 textbook for me- for my summer course. Algebra 1 by McDougal Littell made in Tennessee, in 2004. There are lots of examples, such as finding a slope using a formula, from the textbook, students will learn algebra 1 without difficulty. Also, many textbooks do not teach students all the areas that need to be covered, but this Algebra 1 teaches student’s everything he or she needs to know. Although many textbooks do not teach a student how to solve an equation, the Algebra 1 textbook, by McDougal Littell, will assist students in the teachings of Algebra 1.

First of all, people may ask: “Dad can you help me with my Math homework?” Many people’s families help the child with their homework, because the teacher does not always do a good job in teaching the children the specific subject and many other problems as well. In the book, for various chapters, there are several examples to show you the way in which to solve a linear equation. For example, in chapter 5-1, the textbook explains that if students would like to put an equation into slope-intercept form, you must use the y= mx+b formula. Then you must substitute a number, whatever number you obtain for the slope, for m because m is the slope. Then whatever the y intercepts is, you plug it in for b. Then, the students work will show in an equation in slope-intercept form (in the textbook they precisely state the ways in which people could write an equation in slope intercept form, this is just my way of explaining the method). The only flaw of this textbook, most of the excess lessons, the school may not use, and some of the material is not explained in the textbook. This Algebra 1 textbook is a very useful for learning algebra 1.

In conclusion, this Algebra 1 textbook is very useful tool in the curriculum of Algebra 1. People will have several practice problems, to practice the material. Although, the textbook does teach the student more that the school district may desire, people who do review from this textbook gains a general knowledge of Algebra 1. Although many textbooks do not teach a student how to solve an equation, the Algebra 1 textbook, by McDougal Littell, will assist you in the practice of Algebra 1.


This article has 1 comment.

munchkin said...
on Jun. 27 2016 at 1:32 pm
This was a very helpful summary. Thanks for taking the time to write it!