Reached by Ally Condie | Teen Ink

Reached by Ally Condie

January 10, 2013
By hayhay19 BRONZE, Bangor, Maine
hayhay19 BRONZE, Bangor, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain"-Louis Tomlinson

“Do not go gentle” were the main words in the poem that Cassia’s grandfather gave to her before he passed away at 80 years old (this was the society's decision to be the citizens oldest age) in the first novel “Matched.” These words helped her change from being an obedient girl who never questioned the Society to joining a rebellion against the society, Cassia Reyes has developed into a independent woman throughout the course of this trilogy.
After leaving the society, being separated, then finding the rising, Cassia and Ky are at the cost of losing each other once again. Cassia has been stationed inside the society with her old friend and match, Xander, while Ky is outside the borders. But what will happen when nothing goes as planned as the sickness they sent against the society as an attempt get them to join the rising mutates and turns against them?

After reading the first books, the 385 page novel Reached by Ally Condie provides an ending which no one expected and is listed under the genres of young adult, dystopian, romance, adventure, science fiction, and fantasy. This novel was put out for grabbing hands on bookshelves everywhere in the US on the date of November 13th 2012, and was published by Dutton (Penguin) in New York.
Overall I thought that this book was very adventurous, dramatic, and surprising. Any person who don’t want to read this book because it is just another “cheesy romance novel” is missing out on an amazing story on standing up for what you believe in and chasing your dreams. This book is very engaging, and I was almost walking everywhere with it in my hands because I just couldn’t put it down. Two highlights was that Ally Condie put each chapter in different characters perspectives. This way you could learn more about them, and experience more of their development throughout the story. I also loved how she made the cover of the book red, which is the color of beginning.


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