Tuck Everlatsing by Natalie Rabbitt | Teen Ink

Tuck Everlatsing by Natalie Rabbitt

January 10, 2013
By Halley Valentine BRONZE, Hedgesville, West Virginia
Halley Valentine BRONZE, Hedgesville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book title and author: Tuck Everlasting, Author- Natalie Rabbitt
Title of review: Tuck Everlasting
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4 ½


Tuck Ever Lasting, is one of the best books I have ever read. Well I guess because I can relate to it, because the girl is about 12-13 years of age. The girls name is Winifred and she comes from a very wealthy family. One day she was playing with a toad in her front yard. The toad hopes off, and Winy gets board and decides take a walk though the woods. She has been walking for a while now, and she stops to take a rest and hears something in the bushes. Winy gets up and is very curious about what is in those bushes.

Description and summary of main points

She peeks her head in and sees a young man drinking from a spring. Winifred to the young man ‘’you think you might want to share’’ as she put her hands on her hips. The young man introduced himself as Jesse, and Winy did the same. Winy told Jesse she was lost and Jesse took her back to him home. There winy meant his mother, father, and older brother. Winy said ‘’its very nice to meat you, but why cant I have a drink from the spring. They proceed to tell her was a magical spring. Winy ask ‘’what’s magical mean?’’. The mother told her the water from the spring makes you stop in time.


So Winy stayed there for a few days, and her parents got worried about her. Her parents sent people looking for her, and they found her trying to run away. The boy Jesse was put in jail. They broke him out and winy went back home.


Winifred and Jesse fell in love, and Jesse had to leave because he was wanted from the law. The next Moring Winy woke up and saw something in her front yard. It was a little bottle from the spring and a note. The note read “ill come back when its safe. When Jesse came back winy was dead, and had got married and had children. He was happy for her that she lived her life, but at the same time he was upset because he lost a loved one.

Your final review

All in all I love this book, because of the plot behind it. Also the fact that he kept his promise to her to come back when its safe. It just has a warm feeling to it.

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