Brothers in Arm | Teen Ink

Brothers in Arm

January 4, 2013
By ChrisBrownWifex3 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
ChrisBrownWifex3 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
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“Bang Bang“ is the sound Martin hears, as he turns around. His brother Huero is laying on the concrete floor -- shot dead. The novel Brothers in Arm by Paul Langan and Ben Alirez focuses on gang affiliated activities. The story follows the life of Martin Luna who has to deal with the fact that his brother Huero is gone. He feels like his brother’s death is all his fault. It was a drive-by and it wasn’t intentionally supposed to hit Huero. It was meant to hit Frankie, Martin’s friend. The shooting was a warning for Martin and his crew. The author, Paul Langan and Ben Alirez, wrote this novel to show that gang violence is serious and it can affect someone’s life because right when that white van turned the corner and Martin heard those shots, his life changed … forever.

The author's comments:
This story takes place in California. The main character is Frankie, Martin’s friend changed for the worst after Huero dies. Martin somewhat goes crazy. Instead of Frankie helping him get through this tough stage, he only makes it worse by giving him confidence that they were going to find Huero’s killers. In turn, this made Martin want to kill those who killed his brother. Martin’s mom is going through the worst experience of her life. Having to live life without her child, she cries every day and night. Because of her addiction she stopped eating. She is too stressed to do anything. The only thing she wants is her son back. She knows that Martin was up to something and wanted to find the people who killed Huero therefore, to avoid losing her only other son, she moved out of town just to keep her son out of danger. Martin, at this point, has chosen a bad life style because people were after him. The effect this book had on me is fear, because no one should have to go through the feeling that Martin and his mom is experiencing. No mother should have to bury their child. That experience had to be the worst thing that has ever happened to them.

This book is beyond worth reading it, trust me! It’s really good. It shows that you should appreciate what you have when you have it because the next minute it can be gone. In Martin’s case, he used to be annoyed by Huero and always wondered why he would follow him everywhere and why he wanted to be just like him. Now he looks back and regrets all of that. He would give anything up just to have his brother back. Brothers in Arms changed my view of California because it’s just like any other dangerous place. Like Brooklyn, West Coast has gang and gun violence, too. I would recommend this book to those who even think or thought of taking someone’s life away. This novel can change a person’s life forever, and the consequences may be horrible. I wouldn’t wish that feeling on my worst enemy. This book is great -- you won't regret it!


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