pushin' by L. Divine | Teen Ink

pushin' by L. Divine

January 8, 2013
By kennedyAnn BRONZE, Iindianapolis, Indiana
kennedyAnn BRONZE, Iindianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book was so amazingly good that I didn’t even want to put it down. I had so much fun reading it. I mean it was so good that you want to read it over and over again. In some parts of the book, you question some things and then other parts make you want to smile because of the romantic parts that it can have, but some parts can make you really mad because some of the characters can really get on your nerves. My favorite character in the book is Jayd because she smart outgoing and she doesn’t care about what people think of her or her family and she can be feisty when she wants to be and that makes her who she is as a person.
This book is about a 16 year old girl that lives in Compton and her name is Jayd , she’s very smart ,outgoing ,and seem that she can be fun to be around with ,but for a girl with a lot of good qualities she sure has a lot of drama in her life. She is having a lot of problems with her ex-boyfriend and who was also her first love and now that she is back with her boyfriend Jeremy it’s starting to start even more drama because her ex-boyfriend still has feelings for her in some kind of way.
My opinion on this book is that it can be very exciting to read an could also be and I also think that author could have proof read her work because some of the sentences didn’t make since to me and there were some misspelled words but other than that it is a very good book to read and this book can relate to some people or maybe that person can relate to one of the characters.

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