Mauss by Art Spiegelman | Teen Ink

Mauss by Art Spiegelman

January 8, 2013
By xXEpicxXxJmanXx BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
xXEpicxXxJmanXx BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Maus is about the Jews that had survived the vicious and bloody campaign of the German Nazis. And it explains how the Jew’s had used clever tricks to avoid the Nazis and it also explains how life was for the Jews before the Nazis had taken their reign over the land of Poland.

For the full explanation of the book Maus it’s pictures the war between the Nazi’s and the Jew’s in a cartoon version representing the Jew’s as mice The German Nazi’s as cats and the Americans as Dogs, This story takes place in Poland where at first it was a Training camp for German soldiers but ever since Hitler sent the command to exterminate all Jew’s this so-called training camp has been turned into a Concentration Camp this story takes place in the eyes of one of the survivors.
For my analysis of this story, some opinions I wanted to ask is when the author was writing this book, I think he achieved his goal because he received rewards for this book. And some strengths of his book is the choices for the words he used for excellent but some weaknesses where his grammar of the words and spelling.
For my conclusion this book left me feeling kind of depressed because of all the Jew’s that were assassinated and murdered in plain daylight. I think that many people would like to read this book.

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