If I were Your Boyfriend by Earl Sewell | Teen Ink

If I were Your Boyfriend by Earl Sewell

January 8, 2013
By Dalia Whitley BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Dalia Whitley BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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If you love drama and comedy, I advise you read “If I were your Boyfriend” .this is a very good book, I recommend for everybody to read it.
In the book “If I were your Boyfriend” a teenager named Keisha. Keisha is not a normal teenager; she lives in the projects, and does not have many things. Keisha and her mother are struggling.

Keisha is always in trouble she steals, skips school, and more. She seems to never get out of trouble. On top of that of that her outs her boyfriend before her, even on Keisha birthday she does out with her boyfriend, and never says happy birthday to Keisha or anything. Keisha never forgave her mom after that. Why didn’t keisha forgive her mother? My mom always told me to forgive but never forget. In my option what her mom did was wrong. Nobody should ever do that to their child

I read this book and was very shocked “If I were your boyfriend” has a very good ending. All teenagers should read this book.

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